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Log Web Central - A local Columbus band featuring Paul Nini that has been compared to the Dream Syndicate, the Bats, and the Velvet Underground.I think there may be a Lower Records Catalog hidden here somewhere too. - JoelOKra Records discography - A local Columbus record label that released the first albums from the Gibson Bros., Wolverton Brothers, Workdogs, and Ass Ponys.
Coming Soon!!! A Wolverton Brothers home page!!! This Cincinnati rock band and I are teaming up to create a home page filled with a discography, a biography, pictures of the band, and a current tour schedule...
- Bill Hart
Columbus Punk Site and Cool-Ass Links Page: http://www.ganet.net/~jc9/columbus/ .
.. Columbus provides one of the greatest punk scenes in the USA. Columbus is the home of bands The New Bomb Turks, Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments, Moody Jackson, My White Bread Mom, Econothugs, Pet UFO, and many more. This page still isn't done, but I'm trying to get it together ... - [email protected]The Columbus Punk site (http://www.ganet.net/~jc9/columbus/) contains a few links to pages and songs closely tied to the bands mentioned in the above intro. The Cool-Ass links page (http://www.ganet.net/~jc9/links.html) includes links to some similar local, regional and national pages, including Indie record labels and the Home of Cringe (�A Columbus, OH music zine. Great page, even has some sound clips!!� - [email protected]). - Joel
Columbus Tour on the World-Wide Web: http://www.infinet.com/~markg/columbus.html
The first Columbus page, followed more recently by cheap corporate imitations (just look at any list of Columbus links). Mark Gunderson (of The Evolution Control Committee) and Mary-Margaret Faith have put together a tour of our fair city in their own words -- which are far less corporate than the only other attempts online: ColumbusPages, whose idea of a shopping guide is a list of malls, and The Columbus Home Page(R), who are so anal that they've trademarked the phrase. Mark and Mary-Margaret's reviews cover live shows, record stores, art galleries, shopping, radio, and more. It's a bit out of date while we wait for an upcoming facelift, but if you're looking for any sort of subjective opinions instead of PR drivel, this is the only place on the web that you'll find it. That kind of acerbic, intellectual punk-driven attitude has cultivated some interesting reactions from the readers, but the site remains up as a monument to the web credo: "Where anyone can voice their opinions... and often do." - Mark G. (Feb 28, 1996)
Joel�s comments: Feeling a bit self-rightious today, Mark? Whaddabout Cringe? � :-)
ele mental: http://coil.com/~eluna/ele_ment/
This is an electronic music, graphics and art electronic publication. ele mental was conceived over 2 years ago - before the World Wide Web grew into the monster it is today. How do I know? I wrote a few things for it before it actually existed. Months and months later it came into being, most likely due to Ed Luna�s devotion and the growing web.
ele mental was created in response to the �Generation X� phenomena. The focus is on techno, rave, electronic and even industrial music culture. �Gatherings� info, art, interviews with artists, philosophical diatribes and essays are all part of the site. If nothing else, I recommend reading Ed�s think - a very comprehensive (well, it contains a lot more info than I�ve ever imagined...) history of Techno: music, culture, drugs and equipment. - Joel
ele mental: http://coil.com/~eluna/ele_ment/
ele mental is a loose affiliation of people...some of whom make electronic music, throw events, do graphic design, visuals (sometimes), or just generally exist in Columbus, Ohio.
There is no agenda; we just do what we do as individuals... But if we need an umbrella it's there: a network of support through technology, graphic design, donating time or equipment at our events, honest opinions, money (sometimes), and so on.
Most of us believe that the future requires us to embrace technology and do positive things with it: taking charge of our own surroundings, and also pointing in the right direction (hopefully) for the next society. It's not going to be easy, and we're not here to "fix" what we don't like about our complicated world...but we can at least keep each other afloat if we can, and bring in some people who might not otherwise get the chance to be heard. We are, after all, responsible for making our future livable.
And yes, I guess we do have a certain "aesthetic" sensibility...minimalism is definitely important to most of us. On the musical tip: Detroit techno, smoov jungle tunes (reinforced innahouse), boom boom traxxy style, and dark-ass electro...yah, that's what most of us like.
But it's about more than that. It's about more than just the music itself; it's about the histories and cultures which that music stands for. It's about giving props where props are due, and also learning from those who came before, taking their innovations and applying them in new ways. It's about looking more deeply into the techno and technological culture which we're a part of...seeing what's relevant, and what isn't. It's about learning from mistakes of the past, and enriching ourselves by constantly being aware of the present.
but most of all it's about honesty, friendship, and doing things for yourself (with a little help of course). That's what we're all about.
I hope you enjoy [the] website, and if you are a kindred spirit, reach out to us. that's what the web is all about. - edward luna
Lizard Family Music: http://www.lfm.com/
LFM is an independent Columbus, Ohio label that exists to give Midwestern pop-punk and lo-fi wunderkinds a home. It all started in the fall of '92 by Lizard McGee and Rich Cefalo with $80 and a 4-track studio in a garage somewhere in Ohio.
Our bands include Earwig, Monster Zero, Preston Furman, and Ugly Stick. We have released mostly 7" records and to date have released 3 full-length CDs and a couple of cassettes. We have several more projects in the works.
Earwig and Ugly Stick have gotten praise from fanzines like Alternative Press, CMJ, Flipside, Buzzz, and Oculus� to name a few. Meanwhile, Preston Furman and Monster Zero 7"s have been in the top 10 requested singles on a host of college radio stations nationwide and in rotation at stations like WROQ and KUSF on the West Coast.
Our label has been featured in several magazines, including an article in the March 17th issue of Entertainment Weekly with photos. We get national distribution through Get Hip, Dutch East India, and SureFire. But most of our notoriety is through a network of fanzines, college radio, clubs and fans in the U.S. & Europe.
We are excited with how quickly we're growing. Its not hard to be with the roster of bands we are fortunate to work with.
- Lizard & Rich of Lizard Family Music
Log Web Central and Log: The World Wide Web Page:
http://er4www.eng.ohio-state.edu/~hartw/log/index.html and
Well, this local quartet has no less than two web pages: one run by their drummer Kelly Knuth and another run by Log friend, Bill Hart. The pages contain discography info, links to related bands, labels and cities, and bios of the band and it�s members. Kelly�s page includes a sample from her zine. - Joel
Here�s what the editor �Big Paul� had to say in introducing the first issue of Nash� just over a year ago:
OSU Dance and College of the Arts Calendars: http://www.dance.ohio-state.edu/
So my old friend David Ralley encouraged me to check out the OSU Dance page a few months ago. I shoulda done it sooner. It includes a nifty monthly calendar of all the OSU College of the Arts and Wexner (music, dance, performance art, exhibitions, lectures, etc.) major events. And it�s presented in a format just like the traditional monthly calendars the yer bank gives ya - without the Georgia O�Keefe artwork. It does use tables, so I�m not sure what it looks like on some non-tables browsers. - Joel
TicketMaster Website: http://www.ticketmaster.com/
Yep, TicketMaster is online now. I�ve actually avoided checking this site out very deeply. It�s not that I mind all the charges. But if a ticket is listed as $10, I expect it to be $10 - plus maybe the standard tax. I don�t have the patience to figure in and account for the service charges, processing fees and parking fees. I wish someone would standardize this in some way. - Joel
Vegans Ate My Brain/Ohio Punx Pages!:
OK! here�s the deal.... as with my all of my dreams of putting out a zine, it never happens... So I am now devoting my energy to make this a page about rad Ohio bands.. I was contacted by J. Ferrari from Cigarhead today, and I guess I�d just like to get the Ohio scene a little bit more press... So here is the stuff that I am looking for, anything on or about: Real Lulu; O-matic; Brainiac; Pet UFO; Lazy; Gem; Cigarhead; Pretty Mighty Mighty; The Heathers; The Vivians; Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments; Bloody Discharge; Walaroo; Tammy and the Amps (and/or the Breeders); Miss May �66; and any other band that you think might be worthy of gracing this page... Please.. I need your help or this may never get any farther that this.. well, enjoy what I have now and take care, xoxo. - Ryan
Vegans Ate My Brain/Ohio Punx Pages!:
I stumbled onto this page several months ago. Ryan was looking for Ohio punk links, so I pointed him to Cringe. A few weeks (a month?) later Ryan thanked me fer the info. I think the site is more ambitious than he has time to deal with (I know, who am I to comment on this - glass houses and all.) All I really wanna say is I commiserate. However, If we work together a bit, it could be quite informative and useful. (That sounds more hippie than punk doesn�t it? Hmm, DIY works fer both). I think I�m gonna go watch The Breakfast Club� for the 50th time now. - Joel
Goto this issue's Trivia page or the current Trivia page.
Medieval & Renaissance Fest
Saturday, May 4, 1996 at OSU South Oval all day.
Various School of Music Ensembles
May 8, 9, 14, 16, 17, 23 and 30 at OSU Browning Ampitheatre/Mirror Lake all at
Anti-Fest II: An Anti-Racist Action Event
Saturday May 18 at 16th and Waldeck all day.
The last two bands will be the Johnson Bros. followed by the New Bomb Turks. In-Sect, Geraldine, The Spectre, Triggahappy, Paul Brown's Science Gravy Orchestra with Chris Howes, Hoodoo Soul Band, Derek DiCenzo & Co., Jim Maneri and probably a couple other local favorites will also be playing.
If yer interested in helping ("personning" a booth of yer own or theirs, etc.), contact ARA at (614) 424-9074.
Friday, May 31, 1996 at OSU Browning Ampitheatre/Mirror Lake from Noon to Midnight. Unamplified acts from Noon to 4pm. Amplified acts from 4pm to Midnight, including: New Identity, Ma Rainey, Poets of Heresy and Local Color.
Call (614) 476-2592 for info or to volunteer.